Outrigger Legs
Deck Support Stanchions assist in adding direct stability to ground surface while reducing deck movement.
Each stanchion contains:
Deck swivel bracket - stanchion fold out and storage
Telescoping outer powder coated and inner square tubes - allow for height adjustment
Spring pin - insert to lock at preferred height location
Swivel foot - rubber bottom for adjustable angle cushioned friction ground connection
Stanchions are available for Scissor Deck & Sturdy Deck models.
Support adjustments are easy with 0.8" incremental height settings
2 stanchions are supplied with 20" width Scissor Decks while 4 stanchions are supplied with 30" & 40" deck width models.

Available for:
Decks are available with different options based on width:
20" wide anti slip deck surface
20" wide econo checker plate deck
30" wide deck: 10" cantilever extension (shown with deck padding accessory)
30" wide deck: 5" channels welded on each side of 20" deck
40" wide deck: 4 -10" anti slip channels welded together with deck
support frame.
Available for:

Fully Enclosed Hand Rail System: Deck ends approach or added deck side approach gate
Access deck from deck ends. Side approach option available.
Full deck length rail. Deck end rail with end gate, Side rail with side gate.
Quick removal railings - posts secured into deck welded brackets
with locking spring pins.
3 way (2 piece) Rail with Side Rail & Gate, End Rail & Gate
For rear & side surround railing with deck side or end entry when requiring one deck side free of railing - for unobstructed access to your work.
Recommended for aircraft maintenance.
Deck end rail with side gate. Side rail with end gate.
Quick removal railings - 1 1/2" tube posts mount into deck brackets with locking spring pins.
Full Deck Length Rail with End Gates:
One deck side left open to access your work area free of handrails.
Quick removal railings - 1 1/2" tube posts mount into handrail brackets with locking spring pins.
Swinging deck end gates - open to 90 degrees. 20 inch deck width models supplied with top and midrail gates.
Access deck from deck end only.
Economy Rail
​Supplied with economy packages.
Access deck from deck end only.
Hand rail double bolts to deck sides.
1 1/4" tube construction.
Toeboards available upon request.
Available for:

Bridge planks & rails are used to join multiple Scissor Decks into Scissor Deck Systems.
Safety tread channel or checker plate surface for economy systems
Join 2 Scissor Deck models for inline or wrap around work zone
Connect plank end bridge plates with welded solid rounds which lock into holes in Scissor Deck model surfaces.
To bridge plank rails: open to install, close for storage or transport.
Available in 20” & 30” widths
Available for:

16’ bridge plank system for Scissor Deck platform systems. Increase your bridge plank length to 16’. Bridge planks & rails are used to join multiple Scissor Decks into Scissor Deck Systems.
Includes: 2 bolt together 8’ length raised dimple anti slip deck surface planks,
2 – 8’ length center tube supports & center adjustable bridge support stand.
Available in 20” & 30” widths
Available for: